Fri, 22 December 2006
Jefferson Workman, Chris Equinox Chavez, and Scott Cederlund from Wednesday's Haul drop by to help us through the second half of the Marvel Previews catalog number 40 (for books shipping in February 2007)! Plus, Frank Zappa warns on the dangers of Speed and reads a few paragraphs from William S. Naked Lunch! Bonus! Chad and Mr. Zombie! Dada poetry! Bigfoot! A cocky stage hypnotist! Bryon Gysin on junk, baby! Leeloo! Yoko Ono! A holiday song in German! Loud Boy! A demonic possession! More!
Sun, 17 December 2006
Dial R Studio's Pat Loika, Chris Eaton aka The Big Largeness, Jefferson Workman, and BlondMichelle join us as we plunge into the Marvel Previews catalog for items shipping in February, 2007! Also, Kevin Smith, Joe Quesada, and Stan Lee drop by in the form of audio snippets (graciously provided by attendee, Pat Loika) from the Marvel: Then and Now event! All this, and the usual Buzz Line silliness!
-- posted at: 12:25pm EDT
Tue, 12 December 2006
My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-f1e0c17957ee7b533be78bc161796b69}
-- posted at: 2:56pm EDT
Sat, 9 December 2006
Jefferson Workman joins us in our Marvel Spotlight discussion on Bruce Jones and John Romita Jr's Return of the Monster! Also, the Buzz Line erupts with calls from Dallan, Darrel, Max Headroom, Scar Tissue's Dave Wachter, and Chad and Mr. Zombie! Bullpen Bulletins 13 is our funniest episode to date - a laugh riot from start to finish!
Sun, 3 December 2006
The first Bullpen Bulletins Team-Up! In the first half of this episode, we're joined by Derek Coward from Comic Book Noise and the Deliberate Noise network to talk about Infinite Crisis, Civil War, the Registration Act, and Captain America's role in the battle! In the second half of the show, Derek throws down with Michael Myers from Rocky Mountain Comic Book Noise, Comic Timing's Ian Levenstein, and the home team for an energized discussion on Amazing Spider-Man #536! All this, plus the usual Buzz Line and pop culture insanity!
Sun, 26 November 2006
Bullet Points' Tommy Lee Edwards stops by to talk about art, his past, present, and future work, factors influencing his decision to go exclusive with Marvel, Star Wars, and much more! Also, Doombot joins in on our discussion of Civil War #5! All this, plus the usual shorts, Buzz Line messages, and just plain weirdness you can only find here!
Fri, 17 November 2006
It's Marvel Previews time, again! This time around, we're joined by Around Comics' Chris Neseman, Dan C (Papercut), Chris Chavez (Equinox), Jay Scarsi, and Miguel Rodrigues (Organic Matter) help us on our trip through Marvel Previews #39 (November for books shipping in January, 2007). Also, Marty Devoid delivers his first Top of the Pot report! Bonus! The Buzz Line is screamin' with calls from Doombot, Denise from Birds of Geek, Comic Timing's Ian Levenstein, Jay Scarsi, a quartet from the bombastic Braxton, Just Another Fan Boy's Steeven, and the Governator, himself, Detective John Kimble!
Fri, 10 November 2006
Marvel Fabulous Firsts! Around Comics' Brian Salazar joins us for our dissection of five recently-released Marvel first issues: Doctor Strange: The Oath, Criminal, Ultimate Power, The Irredeemable Ant-Man, and Ghost Rider! Special last-minute appearance by Tom Katers! Bonus! The Buzz Line explodes with calls! Extra! Witness the stunning return of X-51!
Sat, 4 November 2006
Sat, 28 October 2006
Amazingly-talented Pat Loika joins us for the second of our Halloween specials, adding commentary to our examination of the Marvel Zombies miniseries, the Comics Code of Authority, Dr. Frederic Wertham and Seduction of the Innocent, the Marvel Monster Group and the black-and-white magazines Monsters Unleashed, Dracula Lives!, Vampire Tales, and Tales of the Zombie, and the recently-published Essential Tales of the Zombie and Essential Marvel Horror! Bonus! Werewolf by Night!
Fri, 20 October 2006
In our first of two Halloween specials, we embark on a three-hour Skype roundtable discussion on revered and reviled Marvel Universe deaths and resurrections, featuring Around Comics' Chris Neseman, newlywed Matt Darth Kramer, Mike from Portugal, Jay Scarsi, and Dan C AKA Papercut! Special appearance by Tom Straight Edge Katers! Also, Ratenef and Elvis Parsley call the Buzz line! We discuss our addiction to Marvel Legends action figures! David and I rejoyce in the wonder that is The Beyond! And if that wasn't enough, we're plagued by a horde of flesh-eating zombies! Ooooh, scary!
Fri, 13 October 2006
It's that time again! Join us as we plow through the Marvel Previews catalog for items shipping in December. Also, Weitall, Mike from Portugal, and Christopher Walken call the Buzz Line! Bonus! Scattered throughout the episode, you'll hear the infamous Wizard World Chicago brouhaha that led to the creation of Bullpen Bulletins, featuring Tom Katers from Around Comics, Scar Tissue's Dave Wachter, Dan C aka Papercut, the That's What She Said Podcast's Matt S., and assorted comics creators and conventioneers!
Fri, 6 October 2006
It's the Bullpen Bulletins Bargain Bin! In this episode, we each rescued four comics from the dank depths of the cheapie bins and talk about what we found! Also, VinceB offers up an addendum to the episodes on Joss Whedon and John Cassaday's Astonishing X-Men! Plus, a pair of cute little girls tell us how stupid comics are. Whatever.
Fri, 29 September 2006
This episode, we take a look at Joss Whedon and John Cassaday's Astonishing X-Men issues 7 ro 12. Plus, the Bullpen Buzz line is ringin' off the hook!
Fri, 22 September 2006
In our first Marvel Spotlight episode, we take a closer look at the first twelve issues of Joss Whedon and John Cassaday's Astonishing X-Men!
Fri, 15 September 2006
It's the scintillating second part of our perusal of the pulse-pounding Marvel Previews catalog for November! Plus, we dip into Willie Lumpkin's mailbag for a couple of cranky comments from our listeners!
Fri, 8 September 2006
In this multi-part episode, we begin our trek through the Marvel
Previews catalog for books shipping in November, interrupted at
irregular intervals by my favorite muck-monster, the magnificent
Fri, 1 September 2006
It's here! An audio experience like none other. Thrill! Vince and David's early days as fans of Marvel. Shriek! terror as some "friends" drop by for some audio comments. Be amazed! how entertaining these two can be.
Join us for a walk down memory lane and for some fun word association in this, the first and best episode of Bullpen Bulletins. The podcast that is a celebration of all things Marvel. Feedback can be sent to and is welcome on our forum at |
Mon, 14 August 2006
Greetings, true believers!
Bullpen Bulletins is a new podcast from Vince Bonavoglia and David Price bringing you news, reviews, and opinions on Marvel comics, Marvel characters, and Marvel's creators. Once a week we'll be peeking into the House of Ideas and telling you everything that's great (and maybe not so great) that we're reading. Huge thanks to Chris Neseman (from Around Comics) and Sean Whelan (from Raging Bullets) for drinking this idea into our heads. Excelsior!
-- posted at: 2:40pm EDT